Thursday, 25 September 2014

Practical Dates & Submission dates

Class :- TE  Subject :- ESDL
Practical Dates 
Practical No T1 Batch T2- Batch  T3 Batch
  Date of Perform Date of Submission Date of Perform Date of Submission Date of Perform Date of Submission
1 21/6/14 28/6/14 19/6/14 26/6/14 20/6/14 27/6/14
2 28/6/14 5/7/2014 26/6/14 3/7/2014 27/6/14 4/7/2014
3 5/7/2014 12/7/2014 3/7/2014 10/7/2014 4/7/2014 11/7/2014
4 12/7/2014 19/7/14 10/7/2014 17/7/14 11/7/2014 18/7/14
5 19/7/14 26/7/14 17/7/14 24/7/14 18/7/14 25/7/14
6 26/7/14 9/8/2014 24/7/14 7/8/2014 25/7/14 8/8/2014
7 9/8/2014 16/8/14 7/8/2014 14/8/14 8/8/2014 4/9/2014
8 16/8/14 13/9/14 14/8/14 11/9/2014 4/9/2014 12/9/2014

Submission dates
subjects \Dates  29/9/14 30/09/2014 1/10/2014
ESDL T1                 T2                                             T3
Note:-Assignments are compulsory at the time of submission .

Tuesday, 9 September 2014


Lab Exercises Using Open Source software’s:
1. Creating a Virtual Machine (VM) on a Guest Operating System.
2. Creating a Virtual Machine as a Bare Metal Hypervisor.
3. Dynamically adding and reducing the resources on Hot VMs.
4. Running Multiple Concurrent operating systems using a bare Metal Hypervisor.
5. Creating virtual Switches in the hypervisor.
6. Creating a Virtual Network to allow VM to VM communication.
7. Creating of cloud Services to be hosted as either, Infrastructure as a service
8. Using Platform as a Service to upload any application
Open Source Software
1. VMware Player
2. VMware Hypervisor
3. VMware Converter
4. Open Stack
5. KVM
6. VMware V center Converter
7. VMware Compliance Checker
8. Unified Infrastructure Manager
9. Google App Engine

10. Cloud Foundry

Data Mining process

Changing The Trends in the IT industry

Friday, 5 September 2014

Assignment 2:Classic Data Center (CDC)

Assignment 2:Classic Data Center (CDC)

1.what are the common protocols used in channels & network communication?
2.what are different storage device options?
3. what are components of FC SAN?
4.what are main drivers for the emergence of IP SAN?
5.what are the characteristic of a good replica?
6.what are the storage array based remote application techiques?
7.what are the key management activites in a CDC?


Virtualization is the creation of substitutes for real resources – abstraction of real resources

Users/Applications are typically unaware of the substitution (layer of abstraction)

  1. computing systems/servers
  2. network storage (e.g. SAN)
  3. network resources (e.g. VLANs, VPNs,
  4. HSRP - virtual ip address assignment).


Friday, 29 August 2014



Assignment 1: Journey to the Cloud

Q1. What are the key business drivers for cloud computing?
Q2. What is Cloud computing?
Q3. What are the steps to build a cloud infrastructure?
Q4.What are core elements of a CDC/
Q5.What is virtualization & it’s Benefits?
Q6. What are it challenges? 

   Assignment 2:Classic Data Center (CDC)

Assignment 3: Virtualized Data Center (VDC) – Compute

 Assignment 4:   Virtualized Data Center (VDC) – Storage

 Assignment 5:  Virtualized Data Center (VDC) – Networking

Assignment 6: Virtualized Data Center (VDC) – Desktop and Application

Assignment 7: Business Continuity in VDC

Assignment 8: Cloud Computing Primer

Assignment 9: Cloud Infrastructure and Management

Assignment 10: Cloud Security

Assignment 11: Cloud Migration Considerations

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Uses of Discrete Structures in Computer Science
Ø Database
Ø Image Processing
Ø Programming Languages
Ø Compilers & Interpreters
Ø Software Engineering
Ø Artificial Intelligence
ØComputer Architecture
Ø Operating Systems
Ø Security & Cryptography
Ø Advanced Algorithms & Data Structures
Ø Graphics & Animation

Discrete Structure SE Information Technology

Some Standard Set

N :  For the set of natural numbers
Z or I: For the set of integers
Z+ or I+: For the set of all positive integers
Q :  For the set of all rational numbers
Q+ : For the set of all positive rational numbers
R :  For the set of all real numbers
R+ : For the set of all positive real numbers

C :  For the set of all complex numbers